News has it that our next AGM is to be held at Heritage Hotel, Ipoh on 28th June, 2008 and the adjourned meeting to be held on 19th July, 2008. Both are Saturdays.
Do make plans to be there to give your support for better time-sharing services. If you are unable to attend either meetings, please submit your proxy to the chairman of the Liason Committee (LC), Dr. Leong.
The proxy should appear as per the following sample.
I/We (your name) Memership Number xxxxxx/I being a Member of HERITAGE GRAND VACATION CLUB hereby appoint Ir. Dr. Leong Kwok On to be my/our proxy to vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 8th Annual General Meting (AGM) of the Members to be held at Polo 1 & 2, Level 2, Heritage Hotel, Ipoh on Saturday, 28th June, 2008 at 11a.m. or at the Adjourned AGM to be held at the Ballroom, Level 1, Heritage Hotel, Ipoh on Saturday, 19th July, 2008 at 2pm.
SIGNED by member
On the __ day of May, 2008
in the presence of:-
(Witness's Signature) Signature of Member
Ps. See you there or sign this proxy.